on you, Laura.
A little over a month ago, Tammy Bruce had a blog post about all the things that are gay. Here was my comment, along with an Editorial remark, possibly by Tammy's webmaster but probably by Tammy herself, since she made several comments on her own post within the hour that I commented:
"U-Hauls, animal rescue, vegetarianism, spiritualism (not sure what that is; I think it’s something for people who find Christianity too challenging), benefit concerts, fundraiser parties, vacations that are yearly events, rainbows, coffee shops, manicures, wraps (as opposed to sandwiches), sushi, the words: “fabulous”, “diva”, and “divine”, Showtime, Bravo, Absolut vodka, hair gel (men and women), Cosmos, satchels, Laura Ingraham, tongue rings, leather in general, art festivals, film festivals, Nike. This is fun!"
[Laura Ingraham? When did she become co-opted by teh ghey?--ed.]
Posted by: ashleymatt at April 19, 2007 05:22 PM
So to answer Tammy's question, I just thought I'd share a few photos and this little fact list about the Ingrahammer:
- Never been married
- Has a gay brother
- Very athletic and competitive: used to run marathons, likes to do pushups and pullups (the latter demostrated below)
- Played sports in highschool and college
- One of those sports was softball
- Tells childhood stories about beating up bullies who picked on other girls
- Wanted to attend Westpoint, but her mother would not let her
- Mom also had to fight with her to wear dresses
- Amendment to the "never been married" fact: except to her dogs
- Admits to being a "tomboy." Mmmhmm

Ingheyham showing off her prowess in Iraq.
Laura commandeering a helicopter in Israel. She's gotta know the ladies love the flight gear.
So do you think she's your type, Sheriff Bruce? Just be sure to get the video of it online, so I can post it here.