Photographer Greg Endries recently captured Tammy Bruce (and is the only man known to have done so and survived). Back in April, Sheriff Bruce announced that she had arranged a photo session for herself, sans the restrictions placed on her by publishers and employers when they want promotional images of her. So this is truly the Bruceter as we've never seen her before. Over 150 pictures were shot, and now she has given her MySpace friends a sneak peak by posting 4 of said photos.
You may now proceed to break the first Commandment:

For all of you old geezers that are going to complain about her finger on the trigger: read this and get over it. She can handle her gun better than you can yours, so STFU.


If you like her acting more femme. Or if you just like her on a table. Either way.
Yeah, between these and the new Mercedes convertible the Sheriff bought last month, my Inner Eye sees lots of action in her future. Very soon. Probably right now.
Additional Invaluable Commentary: I usually don't approve of blaspheming dark hair with highlights, but here I will make a special exception: it contrasts well with her black leather jacket and her gun. I like seeing her wearing a ring (on her index finger in the gun photo). Earrings would have looked good in the headshots; maybe she forgot them. I hope she releases other photos from the shoot where the jacket is missing. Also hope for pictures of her aiming the revolver ("Snuffy"). My only complaint about these pics is that they'll need to be enlarged before they can be put on anyone's wall or ceiling. For now, look up at the gun-and-microphone pic, and say hello to my new screensaver.