I decided to lift a few entertaining comments that the masses have made public about the Dark Dominatrix of American Nationalism. Here are some quotes from blog commenters, artichokies, and citizens of the United States of Tammy:
Ideologically speaking that woman is quite sexy.
-Theworldisnotenough on February 22, 2007 at 1:08 AM
-Theworldisnotenough on February 22, 2007 at 1:08 AM
I SOOooo **HEART** Tammy.
She is THE SINGLE MOST LOGICAL VOICE in the New Media. Her credibility almost above question and even as a Democrat lesbian she can call a spade a spade. What is not to love…AND she’s easy on the eyes. (Don’t go there guys…)
-seejanemom on February 22, 2007 at 9:09 AM
She is THE SINGLE MOST LOGICAL VOICE in the New Media. Her credibility almost above question and even as a Democrat lesbian she can call a spade a spade. What is not to love…AND she’s easy on the eyes. (Don’t go there guys…)
-seejanemom on February 22, 2007 at 9:09 AM
It’s nothing I’m proud of, but I find her fairly sexy in general.
Yes, I’ve read her bio. So no need to pile on here….
-Anton on February 22, 2007 at 11:50 AM
Yes, I’ve read her bio. So no need to pile on here….
-Anton on February 22, 2007 at 11:50 AM
[All 3 of the above taken from hotair.com]
Tammy Bruce is on CSPAN giving a lecture and I'm getting wood watching her! I think Larry's going to leave me and go chase after her.Jimmy, I MEAN IT! If you don't get her book "The New Thought Police" I won't be your friend any more!!!!!
[ from Southern Maryland Community Forums]
[ from Southern Maryland Community Forums]
Tammy Bruce sounds like my ideal woman. According to Dave at Big News, she is a classic liberal, a non-conformist opposes hate crimes, political correctness, is pro choice, gun-owning, supports civil unions, and believes in equality for all.
Oh yeah she is a lesbian, so I'll stop gazing at the photo on her website.
Posted by David P. Farrar on July 3, 2005 6:05 PM
Oh yeah she is a lesbian, so I'll stop gazing at the photo on her website.
Posted by David P. Farrar on July 3, 2005 6:05 PM
The lady's a PIMP.Yum.
-BooKittyRadley (3 months ago)
[Youtube comment about a video of Tammy at the Maryland Fair in 2006]
C*******8(10:01:57 PM): tammy says shes never really been anyones bottom.. so what exactly is the duty of a top ?
C*******8 (10:02:15 PM): and will she ever take turns ?
C*******8(10:56:26 PM): why is she so damn hot ? there is no one else like her in the universe
[AOL IM, the "innocent" have been protected here]
C*******8(10:56:26 PM): why is she so damn hot ? there is no one else like her in the universe
[AOL IM, the "innocent" have been protected here]
Yes, indeed. And might I take the opportunity on this totally miscellaneous post to say that I love how when she is talking about former Deputy Secretary of State, Richard Armitage (who disturbingly enough gave the commencement speech at my Texas A&M graduation), she pronounces his last name "armitish." Her little Irish-lesbian lisp is so cute.
A rare, younger picture ofSheriff Bruce from 1996,
when she was still Prez
of LA NOW. (She is finishing
the word, "armitish.")
Beauty, brains, wit and common sense. This woman has it all. Sorry guys, she's ours. And she confirmed it the other day on her show when she said she will NEVER go back to men. She likes it just where she is and as long as that's so even I still have a chance with her. I don't think the fantasies I have about her can be printed here Ms. Prowess, don't want you to lose your site .
mmmmmmmm , Tammy is hot even strolling around the fair in her blue jeans and button down denim shirt. Gorgeous sexy Tammy. And that hair . Whoa !
Ha ha those comments are hysterical!
One thing is fir sure, Tammy is becoming the Queen of all Media.
But why is it that this woman Tammy Bruce captivates me so to the point that she is on my mind constantly ? I can think only of her day and night. What is this hold she has on me that keeps me a prisoner and my heart heavy with such despair that my mind is all around her and I see her face everywhere I go and in everything I do ? Ah break this spell and let me live again, free me of this agony for I am doomed. Such a hapless, hopeless soul I have become.
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