Ahhh, the Brucester. This is my favorite (public) picture of her. Maybe because she's actually smiling. She looks like some celebrity I can't place. I love dark-headed people. There are some great blondes, but there is just some exotic beauty in that shiny black hair.
I had the exciting pleasure of being the first caller on Tammy's Saturday show this weekend. It was good for me.
Speaking of her show: a couple of weeks ago, Tammy was talking about her pistol, Snuffy, and entertained the idea on the air of getting a holster and walking around the house with her gun on her waist. She quickly retracted the idea, laughing and saying she was "maybe taking that a bit too far." Too late, Sheriff Bruce. You can't unring that bell. You put that mental image in our heads, we know what to do with it, and we thank you.
what a waste of effort. when i received the blast email you sent to 'fellow ann coulter fans,' i had high hopes that someone had put together a site with substance and good humor. instead, you're spotlighting the least important aspect of the movement. don't get me wrong, i'd love to spend an evening staring into laura's eyes while stroking tammy's hair and drowning in ann's whiskey voice. however, we need to make sure we are represented appropriately in the ethereal arena of ideas before we focus on the simple, shallow stuff like this.
Hmm, the email indicated that the site was about conservative sex symbols, and the welcome message calls the site a way to blow off steam. I could write all day long about the "ethereal arena of ideas" of conservatism but that would make this site no different from the millions of others out there doing that. In case you didn't notice, there are also links to substantive sites, articles, and video and I thought I had a little good humor toboot :P But I guess you posting as anonymous explains a lot.
yes, tammy walking around with the holster around her waist, adjusting it every now and then. taking it off , putting it back on. needing a little help with the belt..................... teri :)
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