Ideologically speaking that woman is quite sexy.
-Theworldisnotenough on February 22, 2007 at 1:08 AM
I SOOooo **HEART** Tammy.
She is THE SINGLE MOST LOGICAL VOICE in the New Media. Her credibility almost above question and even as a Democrat lesbian she can call a spade a spade. What is not to love…AND she’s easy on the eyes. (Don’t go there guys…)
-seejanemom on February 22, 2007 at 9:09 AM
It’s nothing I’m proud of, but I find her fairly sexy in general.
Yes, I’ve read her bio. So no need to pile on here….
-Anton on February 22, 2007 at 11:50 AM
[All 3 of the above taken from hotair.com]
Tammy Bruce is on CSPAN giving a lecture and I'm getting wood watching her! I think Larry's going to leave me and go chase after her.Jimmy, I MEAN IT! If you don't get her book "The New Thought Police" I won't be your friend any more!!!!!
[ from Southern Maryland Community Forums]
Tammy Bruce sounds like my ideal woman. According to Dave at Big News, she is a classic liberal, a non-conformist opposes hate crimes, political correctness, is pro choice, gun-owning, supports civil unions, and believes in equality for all.
Oh yeah she is a lesbian, so I'll stop gazing at the photo on her website.
Posted by
David P. Farrar on July 3, 2005 6:05 PM
The lady's a PIMP.Yum.
-BooKittyRadley (3 months ago)
[Youtube comment about a
video of Tammy at the Maryland Fair in 2006]
C*******8(10:01:57 PM): tammy says shes never really been anyones bottom.. so what exactly is the duty of a top ?
C*******8 (10:02:15 PM): and will she ever take turns ?
C*******8(10:56:26 PM): why is she so damn hot ? there is no one else like her in the universe
[AOL IM, the "innocent" have been protected here]
Yes, indeed. And might I take the opportunity on this totally miscellaneous post to say that I love how when she is talking about former Deputy Secretary of State, Richard Armitage (who disturbingly enough gave the commencement speech at my Texas A&M graduation), she pronounces his last name "armitish." Her little Irish-lesbian lisp is so cute.

A rare, younger picture of
Sheriff Bruce from 1996,
when she was still Prez
of LA NOW. (She is finishing
the word, "armitish.")