The Godess of Conservatism appeared on The Today Show "today" and looked positively smashing. While we usually see the long and lean beauty wearing dresses, today Lady Ann donned long dark pants and sat daintily drinking out of her "Today Show" mug. Love the boots!
Here is the video.
Now comment and fantasize away.
Here is the video.
Now comment and fantasize away.
Commenter Jordan remarked that he didn't see the Today Show interviewer (Natalie Morales) complimenting Ann on Godless.
My response is: What do you expect? I'm surprized the Today show even allows Ann on the set anymore. If you see this, Ann will tell you a wonderful anecdote about a man coming up to her and saying that he used to date Katie Couric. One night when he was meeting her for dinner, she came in, collapsed in the chair and said, "God, I need a drink. Ann Coulter killed me today."
1 comment:
I noticed the Today Show interviewer
didn`t compliment Ann on Godless.
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